Sometimes life is full of brightness and beauty, other times bits of darkness seem to creep in and shatter everything we hold dear.
You can’t control the season you’re in, but you can control how you respond.
My aim is to provide you with an outlet to breath and experience God in new and creative ways, in every season and with every shade of color.
Whether you’re an artist, or have no clue what the primary colors are, you belong here.
I hope you stay a while.
“Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I’d have the honor to walk with others as I teach them how to engage with God through creativity.”
“Samira is very lovable, caring and spiritual. God has chosen to use her in a very unique way to combine her heart, spirit, talents, compassion and love for Him. ”
Setting into motion a beautiful encounter with a living God through creativity.

“This art & worship gathering was a spa day for my soul. ”